
Monday, November 29, 2010


Many people take giving and receiving love from their loved ones for granted.  As a child, most of us have been showered with affection, hugs, kisses, and love from our parents.  If not from our parents, then most of us have had love given to us from close friends, lovers, or pets.  And, if that didn't happen, then most of us had people to whom we could express OUR love.  However, if all of that failed to occur, then the quality of one's life seriously deteriorates.

Receiving love, and being able to express love for others, is an integral part to our mental and physical health.

Babies who do not get enough touch, comfort, and love as newborns fail to thrive, and in some instances, can actually die from this condition.  Also, if a child grows up without an adequate amount of love and touch, then he/she can get sick more often, have mental deficiencies, and have severe personality disorders.

WE HUMAN BEINGS DESPERATELY NEED LOVE AND TOUCH.  We need to express love and receive love.  As children, we are more easily able to ask for what we want and need, in terms of affection and touch.  But, as we get older, it becomes more and more difficult, especially in this fast-paced modern world where family and friends are often separated by thousands of miles.

How many times have you had, or seen, children and animals come up to you when they needed to have hugs or a sit on our laps or to be "petted?"  How many children or animals, once they have had enough, just walk away until they need it again?  It is so easy for a cute, affectionate child to melt the hearts of grumpy old men and women who have had too little love in their lives.  Children and animals have that amazing gift of giving and receiving love so effortlessly, trustingly, and frequently.  If these children and animals have not been severely abused and hurt and taught to mistrust others, then they are able to express their true God-like nature of innocence, wholeness, love, and peace.

Giving and receiving love becomes more and more difficult as we get older and our family/close friends pass away, our relationships with lovers/spouses disintegrate, or we become more geographically isolated.

AND, unlike children, we are often afraid to ASK for the love and touch that we so desperately need, for fear of rejection!  Sometimes, all we may need is a hug, a comforting shoulder to cry on, or a sympathetic ear to lighten our loads.  But, when we feel insecure and worthless or distrust others, then we often cannot reach out to others as much as we need.

If you are feeling this way at all, please seek the help of counselors, ministers, doctors, or a trustworthy person who can give you some advice and guidance.  It takes courage to let others into your heart and your life.  There are no guarantees that love will come back to you once you give it.  But, that's not the point.  Your job is to keep giving love.  Then, eventually, love will come back to you, in many different ways, and often not from the people you gave it to in the first place.

I have an incredible need to give and receive love.  WE all do.  Some of the ways I give and receive love is by giving warm smiles, deep hugs, listening, and sharing words of encouragement. However, the most important way I show love to humanity is to give a specific chiropractic adjustment, filled with care, love, and concern.  I know that I have been given a gift to help others who suffer with pain, disability, illnesses, or a diminished quality of life, and my mission is to do everything in my power to improve the quality of life of everyone around me.

SO, what is your mission in life?  How can YOU give and receive love more today?  Who do you need to forgive today?  Who needs to forgive you?  Never be afraid to ask for forgiveness, and never be afraid to forgive others who have done horrific things to you.  Release the negative emotions in your life and your body.  Seek help from others who you trust, or you think could be trustworthy.  Take a risk. 

Great happiness, peace, and love can only happen when you are willing to take great risk!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


"Do you really want to be healthy and happy?" 

Most people who read this question will think it's rhetorical or silly.  You are probably thinking that, of course, everyone wants to be at the peak of health and happy.  Why wouldn't they?

Well.  That is a very interesting point.  Why wouldn't they? 


How can I make that statement?  It is based on people's ACTIONS and CHOICES, not their words.

How many people do you know (including yourself) who have said that they wanted to lose weight and get healthy, and yet they never started exercising or eating better?  How many people KNOW they need to drink 8 glasses of water daily, but only drink 4 or less?  How many people know they are in desperate need of sleep and rest, but instead decide to go drinking and partying until early morning?  How many people know they sit, sleep, and lift incorrectly, but never change their habits?  How many people know they need to quit smoking, gambling or doing risky behavior, and yet don't?

It is really easy to SAY how much you want something.  But, it's much harder to ACT on those wishes and make the changes necessary to achieve it.

In our fast-paced society of instant gratification, most of us do not want to take the time to do what is essential to get healthy and happy.  We want results right NOW!  We want to be thin, athletic, beautiful, successful, well-loved, popular, and peaceful right now, without doing any of the work.  SO, how much do you REALLY want to be healthy and happy?  Apparently not enough to do the hard work necessary to achieve it.

Also, some people unconsciously DO NOT want to be healthy and happy!  How can that be true?  How many people have such low self-esteem that they often sabotage their health and happiness to reaffirm their own inherent lack of worth?  How many people stay in abusive relationships because they feel they won't be loved by anyone else if they left?  How many people seek sympathy and attention so much that they create or exaggerate their sickness or illness?  It is certainly not uncommon.

I have met many people over the years (including many patients) who have been advised to change their unhealthy habits because it was literally killing them, and yet they never sought help to change it.


Most of us are very uncomfortable with change.  It is not familiar and safe.  However, true health and happiness can only come when one is ready and eager to change their old, destructive habits, addictions, and choices.

Often, people have to be pushed to the very edge before they are ready to change.  How many times have you heard of someone finally making the choice to exercise and lose weight after they had their first heart attack, cancer or diabetes diagnosis?  Some people aren't ready to change until they are told death is imminent.  Only then, can some people have the will to change.  But, some do not even then.

Are you ready to be healthy and happy?  Are you willing to take whatever steps necessary to get, and stay, healthy and happy?  Are you willing to accept others' help, recommendations, and suggestions?  Are you willing to read books, listen to tapes, talk to people, and ask for help?

This is so important. If you are ready to be healthy and happy, realize that each of the choices you make on a daily basis add up to a cumulative effect in the long term.  It does NOT happen over night.  It can take weeks, months, or even years, before true recovery and restoration can occur in your body and mind.

Remember that health and happiness is a journey, not a destination.  No one ever reaches that state when all the work can just stop, where you can "coast" for the rest of your life with the level of health you have attained.  It is an on-going journey that can never end, unless you are ready to lose it again.

Do you really want to be healthy and happy?  I have learned over the years to only believe peoples' ACTIONS, not their words.  IF you truly want to be healthy and happy, you must be ready to WORK HARD. 

What do you need to do, or stop doing, TODAY that will make you healthier and happier TOMORROW? 

Please ASK others to support you in your quest and let them help you in your journey of transformation!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010



I have heard this from so many people over the years, including regular chiropractic patients who have seen such great results in their own health and wellness!  Many people are confused about what chiropractic is, what it checks for, and what it can do for your family's health.

What is chiropractic?  Chiropractic care is a safe, gentle, drug-less, and effective method for detecting and correcting spinal misalignments (vertebral subluxations) which interfere with the function of the nervous system and the surrounding tissues, causing dysfunction, abnormal bio-mechanics, inflammation, disc degeneration, and often later, pain or numbness throughout the body.  Interferences to the nervous system can also cause lowered immunity, arthritis, asthma, allergies, headaches, migraines, ear infections, colic, bed-wetting, stomach problems, fatigue, and cloudy thinking.

What does a chiropractor check for?  She looks for proper or improper spinal mechanics and range of motion, symmetry in the spine from the left to the right side, normal or altered lateral spinal curvatures in the neck, mid back, and low back regions, and areas of muscle spasms or tenderness along the spine.

What can chiropractic care do for my family's health?  Patients under regular chiropractic care are statistically healthier, have less sick days, less medical doctor and hospital visits, less time off of work, and take less medications than their counterparts who are not under any chiropractic care.  The children who grow up with corrective and preventative chiropractic care recover quicker from injuries and need less medications and drugs through their childhood, if at all.  There are also many chiropractic families where the children have NEVER had any medication or drug!

How about newborns and young children who are "healthy" and don't have any symptoms?  Do they need chiropractic check-ups?  Yes.  The only way to know if a newborn or young child has a problem is to have a thorough chiropractic spinal exam.  Problems can be detected long before any symptoms appear.  And, when illnesses or complaints arrive, chiropractic care can quickly correct them.  Infants and children have the most responsive nervous systems and it often takes just a couple chiropractic adjustments to get the results that would take multiple adjustments for adults.

Is it safe for my newborn or child to get chiropractic care?  YES!  The procedures done on a newborn or child is always age-appropriate, gentle, safe, and effective!  Most of the children who come to chiropractic offices love getting their adjustments and often fight to get on the table first!  Whether the chiropractor uses light finger-pressure on the subluxated vertebrae (especially for newborns and infants), a light adjusting tool or table, or a very light manual adjustment on the spine, the chiropractor can deliver the right amount of pressure to get the maximum benefit and results, gently and safely.

If you have been thinking about chiropractic care for yourself, please also consider it for your children.  If they suffer from ANY symptoms or conditions NOW, please don't delay getting help.  It will not get better in time, just more desensitized and chronic, which extends recovery time.

IF your newborn or child does not have any symptoms, it does NOT mean they are healthy.  Symptoms are an inaccurate measure of health.  Many newborns suffer some form of spinal trauma through the birth process or in-utero, 50% of all children have been dropped on their head at least once by age 1, and children statistically have thousands of spinal micro-traumas by the time they are 10 years old.  Don't wait until it becomes a serious problem to get your child's spinal health check-up.  I had to wait until I was 15 years old, after suffering for 8 years of progressively worsening health, before I got my first chiropractic adjustment.  I am grateful that I finally found chiropractic at that time, and that it gave me the health miracle I needed!

Please see a highly trained, loving, gentle chiropractor today for your entire family, from newborns to the elderly.