
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Visit my booth, Dr. Eun Joo Kim, DC at VegFest!

Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 27, when VegFest, the region's premier vegetarian tastefest and expo, comes to Suburban Collection Showplace (formerly Rock Financial Showplace) from 11 am until 5 pm.  Come hear Oprah's vegan chef -- Tal Ronnen, author of "The Conscious Cook" -- along with NBA champ John Salley, environmental/peace advocate Jim Corcoran, Mercy for Animals founder Nathan Runkle and other speakers on the health, environmental and ethical benefits of a plant-based diet.  Enjoy tasty vegan cuisine from local restaurants, cooking and raw-food demonstrations, exhibitors and more.  VegMichigan hosts the event and Dr. Eun Joo Kim will be there, because going veg is the naturally healthy way to go!  Stop by our booth and say hi, and for VegFest details and discounted tickets, visit See you at VegFest!

I will be giving free kids' stickers to those who stop by my booth, as well as free spinal exams for all adults (and children with parent's permission) with the surface EMG (electromyograph), a computerized scan that detects nerve interferences.  Please stop by and say HELLO!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


"Since I have been going to the chiropractic care sessions, my body has experienced remarkable positive change, from small things such as waking up comfortably and sleeping much better, to larger examples such as my muscle recovery after working out.  This is very helpful for my job as a professional football player for the Dallas Cowboys.  Chiropractic care will help enhance my performance."  --Ross Weaver, 2/10/11

I first met Ross at a health screening I did for O'Dell Family Chiropractic at LA FITNESS in Southfield, MI. 

He passed by the booth and looked at our television screen playing chiropractic and sports messages, a computer monitor with examples of previous surface EMG'S, and all our pamphlets about chiropractic care.  We were offering free surface EMG's (electromyograph) and free standing spinal exams to everyone at the gym. 

After doing the screening, I talked to Ross about his condition and his high-impact sports lifestyle, and how chiropractic was ESSENTIAL to not just becoming pain-free and having full function NOW, but to having great longevity in the sport, and PREVENTING chronic illness and disability like degenerative arthritis in the future.

Later, I discussed with him how each time he played on the field (whether tackling someone or getting tackled) was the equivalent to having a minor car accident, which causes whiplash, scar tissue, and misalignments of the spinal vertebrae.  These changes then create improper biomechanical stress on the entire spine, creating disc bulges, degenerative disc changes and osteoarthritis over time.

I also discussed with Ross about how important regular chiropractic care was for enhancing flexibility, decreasing muscle spasms, increasing ranges of motion, and allowing 100% nerve impulse to be sent to every single cell, tissue, organ, and function in the body.

Since beginning regular chiropractic care, his body has gone through incredible changes in the levels of muscle spasms present on a daily basis, his ability to sleep deeply and comfortably, and his ability to weight train and run without as much soreness or tightness afterward. 

When he returns to training in Dallas in the spring/summer, Ross assures me that he will continue with regular chiropractic care.

I hope that he stays healthy all throughout his football career, and beyond.  Moreover, like Jerry Rice, I hope he may be able to greatly lengthen his career with corrective and preventative chiropractic care.

Have you had your chiropractic evaluation today?  Even if you are not a football player, your lifestyle can be causing repetitive stresses on your spine, causing vertebral subluxations (misalignments which impinge on nerves).

Chiropractic care is not only about pain.  It's about maximizing performance and optimizing health.  Would you like to function at a higher rate than you are now?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This cable tv spot was aired in the late fall of 2010 in the Channel 15's segment called Business Matters.  It  is a local city channel for Southfield, Michigan.

I have worked at O'Dell Family Chiropractic in Lathrup Village, Michigan since August, 2010.  Dr. Kevin O'Dell has been a colleague and friend of mine since we attended Life University, School of Chiropractic, together in the 1990's.  He graduated in 1994 and I, in 1995.  Prior to working at this office, I worked at Cousineau Chiropractic Life Center in Riverview, MI for 13 years.  I helped to create and run one of the largest chiropractic offices in the country.

We have 3 chiropractors on staff.  Besides Dr. O'Dell and myself, we have Dr. Heather Schueler, who has been with the practice for over 5 years.

Although I have a small part in the video, the other 2 doctors do a great job of representing and educating the public about the history and benefits of chiropractic care, especially for children.

Give chiropractic care a chance to change your life and health, naturally, safely, and effectively! 

Give yourself and your children the gift of true preventative health care.  Schedule a spinal check-up with a caring and experienced chiropractor,  regardless of whether you have symptoms or not!


Tracee Bowie is a wonderful patient of mine.  I first met her at a Southfield, Michigan summer festival in 2010 where my office was an exhibitor doing health screenings and she was a volunteer for the city.  She is a public school physical education teacher and volleyball coach. 

This is her testimonial:


Neck and lower back--bulging disc and extreme pain


I am able to make it through my teaching day without all of the burning in my neck and the extreme pain in my back.  I am playing better volleyball--can make it through five games.  Dr. Kim talked to me at an event and shared some personal info about her life that convinced me, someone who was very hesitant, to give it a try.  If I had not come in my only other option were shots or eventually surgery.  This was a much better decision by far.

Tracee Bowie       January 25, 2011.

Testimonials like these have poured into chiropractic offices throughout the world since 1895 when chiropractic was first discovered by D.D. Palmer.  Chiropractic is a safe, gentle, effective, and natural profession which stresses corrective and preventative health, and treating the entire person as a whole.  We chiropractors concentrate on optimizing the patient's health and function by removing the nerve interferences which prevent the body's innate ability to heal itself.  We are not focused on medicating and covering up the symptoms in the body, but rather, in removing the causes of dysfunction and dis-ease.

Chiropractic adjustments do not CURE any disease, illness, or pain.  When vertebrae out of their proper alignment, this condition can cause nerve interferences (vertebral subluxations) which can often lead to symptoms. Once these interferences are removed, usually the result is the absence of these symptoms.

Therefore, chiropractic care has been known to be effective in relieving symptoms of headaches, asthma, sinus/allergy problems, stomach problems, colic, ear infections, neck/back pain, extremity pain and numbness, as well as fatigue and sleeping problems, to name a few.

Regular chiropractic care, in conjunction with healthy eating, good sleeping habits, proper exercise, and a positive mental attitude, have all shown to be effective health and wellness tools. 

Don't forget to check your spine for proper alignment and nerve function.  Find a caring, experienced chiropractor today!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Over the past 15 years, MANY patients have come into the office complaining of headaches, migraines, sinus/allergy problems, neck pain, shoulder pain, and/or back pain that are causing severe soreness in the muscles and instability in their spine.  They usually complain of broken sleep and inability to either get to sleep, or fall back asleep, after they wake up in the middle of the night.  They also usually come in with weakened immune systems, making them more susceptible to getting colds, flus, and infections.

When I ask my patients about all the various stresses they have in their lives which may be weakening their bodies, I usually find that the most acute and chronic patients are the ones suffering with the most emotional and mental stresses on a daily basis. 

Whether it is home and family stresses and conflicts with spouses, significant others, children, parents or siblings, or intense work pressures and deadlines at their work, emotional and mental stresses are highly destructive and unrelenting, unlike physical stress. 

When a person performs a physical act that is stressful, usually the stress load to the spine dramatically reduces after the work is done.  However, with unrelenting emotional stresses, the stress load usually stays in their system 24 hours a day, even throughout the night.  Because their bodies are so tense and spastic, they are unable to get to sleep well or stay asleep, especially if anxious, negative thoughts return during the night.

The MOST important thing to do when someone is under tremendous stresses, whether physical or emotional/mental, is to first identify what it is that is creating this situation, and to create a plan that will efficiently reduce or eliminate this conflict.  Whether it is to finally ACT on that painful decision one has been procrastinating on, face the person who needs to be confronted, or ASK for what you need, making actual proactive steps can start the healing process.

However, if the situation one is in can NOT be changed, then resources have to be sought to help minimize one's REACTION to these stresses.  Whether it is seeking counseling, reading spiritual books, listening to meditation/visualization tapes, meditating, doing deep breathing exercises, exercising, having a positive mental attitude, yoga or stretching, or just talking with supportive family and friends, do whatever you can to minimize the mental anxiety.

Finally, seek the care of a great chiropractor who can assess your spinal/health problems and create a care plan to help correct the areas of the spine that are misaligned, causing dysfunction, muscle soreness, spasms, and fatigue.  When nerves are irritated, the body is physically unable to relax, even when the emotional stresses have resolved.  However, remember that a person under extreme stresses may need a much more aggressive treatment plan than the average because they are much more unstable and prone to relapses.

Take the time to heal yourself this year.  Find out what areas in your life needs to be changed and make action steps to correct or minimize the impact of this situation.  And, if things cannot be changed, then find ways to ACCEPT this fact.  Living life fully in this present moment, not in the past or the future, will also change the level of your stress and increase your joy and peace.

Plan to have a great year ahead!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR!  It's the new year once again and it's time to start thinking about what kind of life you want to create this year.  Do you want to lose weight, get healthier, start good habits or eliminate harmful ones?  As popular as New Year's Resolutions are, they are equally famous for being put aside before mid February when the excitement of achieving those goals become eclipsed by the reality of the HARD WORK that is involved in achieving them.

It is so easy to get distracted by the many responsibilities and stresses of the day, caught captive by the tyranny of the "urgent."  There are so many pressing, urgent matters to attend to every day.  It never seems to be completely resolved.  Furthermore, the lists of things that have to be done RIGHT NOW grow steadily higher as the year progresses.  Children need to be cared for, family need to be supported, friends need our attention, work duties need to be accomplished, and our own personal needs have to be met.  In the many lists of important matters to attend to, often the very last on the list is our own personal needs.

Sleeping at least 6-7 hours every night is an essential component to health.  But how many of us are able to do that while we are running around trying to check off every item on our many lists?

Exercising is critical to good health, and yet how many people are too tired and stressed, discouraged, or have too little time to squeeze it in with their current schedule?

Preventative health check-ups and treatments are essential to creating and maintaining a healthy, attractive body.  But how many people procrastinate in going to see their health care providers until the pain or dysfunction becomes so acute, that it then becomes the most URGENT?

What often occurs is that we become slaves to the most urgent matters in our lives, often neglecting the MOST IMPORTANT, like health, spending quality time with family and friends, rest, and taking time for spiritual growth or self-development.

We need to reassess our lives and our commitments.  We need to start writing a different kind of New Year's Resolution lists.  We need to start prioritizing our lives and not getting stuck by the tyranny of the urgent.  We need to set and accomplish daily, weekly, and monthly goals which detail the most important aspects of our lives.  We need to FIRST RECOGNIZE what is most important in our lives. 

Without emotional, physical, spiritual and mental health, it does not matter how rich you are or how many people love and respect you, because you will not be able to fully appreciate all the gifts you have received.  Also, without complete health, you will not be able to give fully of yourself to others and share your love, talents, energy, and physical presence.

When we do not make HEALTH our priority, then all else suffers.  We, especially women who often care for others' needs before our own, have the most important job of caring for ourselves FIRST!  Without our health and energy, we will not be able to fully give all the love and attention our loved ones deserve. 

Make 2011 the year to end the guilt over making ourselves the TOP PRIORITY in our lives!

The greatest gift you can give to others is the gift of YOUR own great health.  Only when you make the commitment to do whatever it takes to GET and STAY healthy, will you be able to find the time.  It needs to become the most important item on your "urgent" list every day.

Do you have any health issues that a chiropractor could address?   Have you ever had your spine checked to see if there are vertebral subluxations (vertebral misalignments which impinge on nerves and decreases function) which could be causing some, or all, of the pain, immobility, discomfort, or conditions that you are currently suffering? 

You can have a new beginning this year.  Make 2011 be the year you achieve optimal health and wellness, without the use of drugs or surgery, if possible.  Commit to eating wholesome food in healthy portions,  drinking 8 glasses of water daily, exercising at least 3 times per week, sleeping at least 6-7 hours every night, spending quality time with your loved ones, taking time for spiritual and personal development, and seeing health care providers who will help you in this journey of wellness and function.

I hope you have an amazing year ahead, filled with peace, joy, health, happiness, and abundance of all kinds!