
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Tracee Bowie is a wonderful patient of mine.  I first met her at a Southfield, Michigan summer festival in 2010 where my office was an exhibitor doing health screenings and she was a volunteer for the city.  She is a public school physical education teacher and volleyball coach. 

This is her testimonial:


Neck and lower back--bulging disc and extreme pain


I am able to make it through my teaching day without all of the burning in my neck and the extreme pain in my back.  I am playing better volleyball--can make it through five games.  Dr. Kim talked to me at an event and shared some personal info about her life that convinced me, someone who was very hesitant, to give it a try.  If I had not come in my only other option were shots or eventually surgery.  This was a much better decision by far.

Tracee Bowie       January 25, 2011.

Testimonials like these have poured into chiropractic offices throughout the world since 1895 when chiropractic was first discovered by D.D. Palmer.  Chiropractic is a safe, gentle, effective, and natural profession which stresses corrective and preventative health, and treating the entire person as a whole.  We chiropractors concentrate on optimizing the patient's health and function by removing the nerve interferences which prevent the body's innate ability to heal itself.  We are not focused on medicating and covering up the symptoms in the body, but rather, in removing the causes of dysfunction and dis-ease.

Chiropractic adjustments do not CURE any disease, illness, or pain.  When vertebrae out of their proper alignment, this condition can cause nerve interferences (vertebral subluxations) which can often lead to symptoms. Once these interferences are removed, usually the result is the absence of these symptoms.

Therefore, chiropractic care has been known to be effective in relieving symptoms of headaches, asthma, sinus/allergy problems, stomach problems, colic, ear infections, neck/back pain, extremity pain and numbness, as well as fatigue and sleeping problems, to name a few.

Regular chiropractic care, in conjunction with healthy eating, good sleeping habits, proper exercise, and a positive mental attitude, have all shown to be effective health and wellness tools. 

Don't forget to check your spine for proper alignment and nerve function.  Find a caring, experienced chiropractor today!

1 comment:

  1. While medical care kills an average of 2147 people per day according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and republished as “Death By Medicine”, Chiropractic is among the safest forms of health care.
