
Friday, October 15, 2010

On The Straight Path: My Pesonal Testimonial to the Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care

I first started chiropractic care when I was 15 years old, after suffering for 8 years with daily, acute low back pain, inflammatory arthritis in all my joints, frequent headaches and neck pain, and a compromised immune system which caused me to get a cold every month, and a constant, runny nose.  I also had a 17 degree scoliosis which caused my left leg to be functionally 2 inches shorter than the right.  This condition caused me to be unable to walk straight, and to constantly feel off balance.  However, soon after starting chiropractic care, I started feeling improvements in my pain level and frequency.  After several months of regular care, I realized that most of my symptoms were dramatically improving. 

Within 1 year of corrective chiropractic care, ALL the symptoms I had suffered with daily completely disappeared!  Therefore, at 15 years old, I decided to dedicate my life to helping others also get healthy and pain-free, naturally and safely, without the use of drugs or surgery.
I have stayed a regular chiropractic patient for most of my life.  Even now, I get my spine checked once a week, more if I need it.  Throughout the many years of falls, accidents, injuries, and repetitive stresses caused from my many athletic pursuits and caring for hundreds of patients each week, chiropractic adjustments have been essential in restoring and maintaining my health and activity level.  Because of chiropractic,  I have been able to run marathons, bike, extreme hike, weight lift, skydive, and rock climb for many years.  When I was 15 years old, I could not even walk up a slight hill without extreme pain.  I could not even dare to dream of the health and strength I enjoy today.
Not only have I witnessed miracles in my own life, I have been blessed to have facilitated miracles in countless patients over the years.  Whether it is an infant or child with chronic ear infections, colic, or asthma finally finding relief and correction; a breech baby turning before the planned C-section; acute disc patients canceling their surgeries because of tremendous pain relief; or sciatic and arthritic patients finding pain relief for the first time in many months or years, I have been blessed to be able to help suffering people of all ages, naturally and safely.
Chiropractic is not just my career or business.  It is my passion, way of life, and mission.  I believe I was born to be a chiropractor.  I suffered needlessly for too many years of my young life, and I do not want others to waste their precious days on this earth living less than optimal health and vitality.
Please do yourself a big favor and find a passionate, loving, and gifted chiropractor today.  Ask for referrals if you can.  If not, then have faith and find one close to you who shares the belief that chiropractic care is not just about pain relief, but about releasing the innate healing power in you, by removing nerve interference.

Breathe deeply, love deeply, stay positive, and embrace the present moment always!

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