
Monday, October 18, 2010


People often ask me what the first chiropractic visit and adjustment is like.  People want to know what tests will be done on them, how much time it will take, and how much it will cost. 

These are all very important questions to have answered.  Each chiropractor has her own way of analyzing the spine and correcting it.  However, most chiropractors have a certain protocol that they follow.  For example, most chiropractors take full spine x-rays of the patient to analyze the spinal curvatures, level of degenerative changes, and vertebral misalignments of the neck, mid back, and low back/pelvic areas.  X-rays are often not taken on infants, young children, or pregnant women, unless there is significant clinical rationale for it.  The doctors of chiropractic also do a full spinal exam on the patient, including past and current history of the complaints, range of motion tests, and other procedures to assess the patient's spine and alignment, including a Surface EMG (a non-invasive electromyograph which detects temperature changes along the spine bilaterally and can pinpoint areas of nerve interferences).  After the exam and analyses, the chiropractor then makes a specific chiropractic adjustment to the spine. 
There are over 50 different chiropractic techniques that the chiropractor can choose from to help patients restore their nervous system and health.  Most doctors of chiropractic use a combination of several different techniques, depending on the age of the patient, the condition of the patient's spine, and the patient's preferences or needs.  I regularly use at least 5 different techniques, from gentle finger pressure or light instrumentation, to a firm manual adjustment that releases sounds like knuckles popping.  They are all very safe and effective ways of correcting vertebral subluxations, misalignments of the spinal vertebrae which impinge on nerves, preventing the body's innate ability to heal itself.  Some people's nervous systems are very sensitive, regardless of how big or athletic they are, and therefore, need a lighter touch.  Everyone is different, and his/her needs can also be different on a daily basis, depending on their activities or injuries.  What is most important is the teamwork that the doctor and the patient have.  If there is an open dialogue between the two, then an environment can exist whereby the most effective care can be given for that day.  I have found in the past that a particular technique needed to be added or removed from a patient's care plan.
Through 25 years of being a chiropractic patient and 15 years as a practicing chiropractor, I have found that the patient's body often "tells" the doctor what to do to correct its problems.  The chiropractor just has to be open and ready to hear it.  Sometimes the patient's body says the firmness of the adjustment is too much or too little, based on its symptoms or the level of relief.  However, there can be an appropriate level of soreness after the first couple adjustments because the body is still getting used to the movement of the vertebrae into its correct position.  When muscles are being moved and used differently for the first time, it can cause a soreness just like performing a new exercise.
The first visit to a chiropractor could take about an hour, depending the level of assessment and tests performed.  The cost of the exam, x-rays, and adjustment is dependant on the doctor's fees, the patient's insurance reimbursement, and any coupons the doctor is offering.  In my office, I make all attempts to ascertain a patient's insurance coverage or their no-insurance fees before, or on, their first visit.
After the first visit or two, x-rays are usually shown and discussed with the patient, and  recommendations for care are discussed.  In my office, I make sure to discuss all the payment options or plans before setting a treatment plan.  I believe that both the doctor and patient need to agree on the level of care that will be rendered, regardless of the recommendations given.  If the patient is unable to keep the recommended care plan, then the doctor can discuss other options that will still benefit the patient.
Throughout the first visit or two of a chiropractor, any questions or concerns the patient has should always be discussed.  Any fears, doubts, and confusion should be addressed and resolved.  Always speak up about your preferences, as well!  Chiropractors need to hear if your body prefers one chiropractic technique or firmness level to another.  The doctor-patient team needs to work together at all times to create greater health and vitality for the patient.  Ergonomics, exercise, diet, stretching, nutritional supplements, and other recommendations need to be discussed as needed, along with the chiropractic adjustments.
I hope this explains a bit more about what to expect from the first chiropractic visit.  However, if you have any questions or concerns, please call or write to the chiropractor you are intending to see before you come in!  Make sure you ask all the questions that will help you determine who the right chiropractor is for you.
Good luck!  And remember this:  if one chiropractor does not fit all your needs, then please find another chiropractor!  Don't just dismiss the whole profession because of one practitioner.

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